Hello again from the Travemünder Woche/O’pen Skiff European Championships, on a day when the elements did their very best to send everyone home with great memories of great sailing in great conditi...

Saturday here in Travemuende, coming to the end of a fantastic week of sailing of all kinds, an incredible selection of the old and the new on show here at Travemuende Woche, all shapes and sizes you ...

Another day, another memory to take home for the 87 O’pen Skiff sailors, who have had three days of racing in a range of conditions that have tested their young skills to the max.

Welcome back to Travemunde, as the magnificent “Woche” festival continues in the pearl of the Luebeck, thousands of sails and boats of all shapes and sizes decorating the water at one of Europe’...

Hello again from Travemunde, at the Travemuender Woche on the Baltic coast of Germany, this amazing event, combining sport, art, culture and cuisine, a ten day festival of all that is good in life, es...